The Dentists
Peiter Gozali, drg,. M.Sc.(OMFS-Thai)., Sp. B.M.M.
May 23, 2019
Author: Michiko , drg
Consideration Considerations before maintaining dental wire (stirrup)
A healthy and perfect smile is needed to create and make a good first impression. There is no age limit to increase a smile.
If you are thinking of maintaining a dental wire (stirrup), we will give some consideration to this treatment.
Some things to consider:
- You can get treatment for tooth wire at all ages
- Relationship between the upper and lower jaw and the function of the teeth will be more maximal
- The average duration of treatment of tooth wire is 2 years
- The cost of treating tooth (stirrup) teeth varies greatly depending on the level of difficulty and time of treatment required
- You will feel uncomfortable because of the faster shifting process
Things that must be considered after the installation or maintenance of the tooth wire:
- Eat foods that are softer (not hard)
- Maintenance or cleaning of teeth and use of dental floss
- Consult and follow the advice from your dentist
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