The Dentists
Peiter Gozali, drg,. M.Sc.(OMFS-Thai)., Sp. B.M.M.
May 23, 2019
Author: Peiter Gozali, drg,. M.Sc.(OMFS-Thai)., Sp. B.M.M.
Died after dental surgery and tooth extraction? Facts or Myths?
Considerations for tooth extraction and dental surgery are reasonable measures. Teeth that have been damaged or cysts and tumors caused by teeth, must be immediately removed or dissected.
Tooth extraction and dental surgery generally do not cause death.
Death is caused by tooth extraction usually due to
- Teeth or areas around the teeth that have been infected for a long time
- Swelling of the gums, face and face
- The general condition of patients who should not be revoked
- Patients with local anesthetic drug allergies when given by a doctor
Dental surgery and a lot of tooth extraction will also not cause death.
As long as the patient’s general condition is good, it is very possible to carry out extractions and dental surgeries in large quantities.
If your general condition is normal or controlled, something safe is done by a dentist or specialist dentist:
- Extraction of teeth with large amounts
- Large amounts of dental surgery
- Installation of a large number of dental implants
- Surgery on the lips / tongue / gum and so on
- Experienced dentists and dental specialists will ask about the condition and history of the patient’s general condition (heart, diabetes, asthma, allergies etc.)
- Examination of general conditions prior to revocation, surgery, etc.
- Examination of the presence of lymph nodes, swelling of the jaw and face, etc.
- Selection of a clean and sterile clinic by questioning the standards of the dental clinic
- Visiting more experienced dentists
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